Survey Plan

The Medford Historical Commission has had two comprehensive survey plans compiled in anticipation of completing long overdue documentation efforts for historic resources. The original survey plan, completed in 2010 by Larson Fisher and Associates, is included first with a breakdown of each neighborhood covered. The second, completed in 2016 by preservation consultant Claire Dempsey, is included below and covers just South Medford’s four neighborhoods. Together, they lay out an overview of each area and provide recommendations for inventory work to be completed by the Commission.

Cover & Table of Contents
Introduction and General Recommendations
Brooks Estate Overview and Recommendations
East Medford Overview and Recommendations
Fulton Heights Overview and Recommendations
Medford Square Overview and Recommendations
Wellington Overview and Recommendations
West Medford Overview and Recommendations
Annotated Bibliography

Survey Plan for South Medford

Since their adoption, the Medford Historical Commission has documented more than 1000 buildings to be included in the list of Historical Assets of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Survey product can be found on the Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System (MACRIS) website. Click here to lean more.